Rose and the Magic Rosin

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Rose who lived in a house with a steep roof. One day, she noticed a strange ribbon hanging from the ridge of the roof. She decided to reveal what it was and climbed up the riser to take a closer look.

As she reached the ridge, she saw that the ribbon was tied to a small box. When she opened it, she found a beautiful golden rosin inside. Rose was so excited and couldn't wait to see what would happen if she played her violin with it.

She took out her violin and rubbed the rosin on the bow. Suddenly, magical music filled the air and all the creatures in the forest gathered around to listen. The music was so beautiful that even the sun began to rise higher in the sky.

The animals followed the music to a clearing where they saw Rose playing her violin. They were so amazed by her talent that they formed a rout and danced along to the music. From that day on, Rose became famous for her magical music and the golden rosin became her lucky charm.

The end.


  1. What did Rose discover on the roof of her house?
  2. What happened when Rose rubbed the golden rosin on her violin bow?
  3. Who gathered around to listen to Rose's music?
  4. Why did Rose become famous in the forest?
  5. What did Rose use as her lucky charm after discovering the magical rosin?

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