The Harmony Concert

Once upon a time, in a magical music world, there lived a group of musical notes. They all lived together in harmony, creating beautiful melodies for everyone to enjoy. One day, the dominant note declared that they were going to have a big concert and all the notes were invited. The crescendo was getting louder and louder as they prepared for the performance.

The diatonic notes practiced playing sweet and gentle music, using the word dolce. But then suddenly, the flat notes created a dissonance by playing out of tune. The audience was not pleased and the fermata was held longer than usual, as the conductor tried to figure out how to fix the problem.

Finally, the fortissimo notes stepped in and played their strongest and loudest notes. They overpowered the flat notes and brought back the harmony to the music. The audience cheered, and the concert ended with a standing ovation.

From that day on, the flat notes learned the importance of playing in tune and everyone lived in harmony once again. The end.


  1. Why did the flat notes play out of tune in the story?
  2. How did the fortissimo notes help bring back harmony to the music?
  3. What did the audience do at the end of the concert?
  4. Why was the fermata held longer than usual?
  5. What can we learn from the story about playing music together?

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