The Special Talents Team

Once upon a time, there was a magical land filled with creatures who had special talents and abilities. There was a producer who made beautiful music, a representative who spoke on behalf of others, a specialist who knew everything about one thing, a strategist who came up with clever plans, a supervisor who made sure everything ran smoothly, a technician who fixed things, a trainer who taught others new skills, and a writer who told amazing stories.
One day, the king of the land realized that he needed help in order to make his kingdom the best it could be. So, he called upon all of the creatures with special talents to gather together and form a team. The producer made cheerful music to lift everyone’s spirits, the representative spoke to the people and listened to their needs, the specialist shared their knowledge, the strategist came up with a plan, the supervisor made sure everyone was working well together, the technician fixed anything that was broken, the trainer taught others how to do their jobs better, and the writer wrote down all of their adventures.
Together, they worked hard and made the kingdom a happy and thriving place. And everyone lived happily ever after.


  1. Who is the king in the story and what does he want?
  2. What are the special talents of each creature in the team?
  3. How do the creatures work together to make the kingdom a better place?
  4. Who teaches others new skills in the story?
  5. What does the writer write about in the story?

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