Curtis the Car's City Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little car named "Curtis". He loved to explore the city and see all the different roads. One day, Curtis drove down an alley and saw a barrier blocking his way. But he didn't let that stop him, he went around it and found himself on a busy avenue. As he drove, he saw a beautiful boulevard with a bridge over a river. Curtis was so excited to cross the bridge, but he had to take a detour because of a causeway. He followed the signs and ended up on a circle where he saw a cloverleaf. Curtis took the cloverleaf and finally reached the bridge. He honked his horn and shouted "I made it!" The end.


  1. What was Curtis' favorite thing to do?
  2. What kind of roads did Curtis explore in the city?
  3. What was blocking Curtis' way on the alley?
  4. What did Curtis see on the boulevard?
  5. What did Curtis have to take a detour for?
  6. What did Curtis find on the circle?
  7. Did Curtis reach the bridge in the end?

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