Speedy's Adventure on the Freeway

Once upon a time, there was a little car named Speedy who lived on a hill. One day, Speedy decided to take a drive on the freeway. As he drove down the highway, he saw many other cars on the road. He drove past an intersection and went around a loop before finally reaching the motorway.

But suddenly, Speedy's tire got stuck in the gutter! Speedy was so worried, but then he remembered that he had a spare tire in the trunk. He quickly changed his tire and was back on the lane again.

Speedy drove safely to the end of the motorway, feeling proud of himself for being prepared and taking care of his car. From then on, whenever he drove on the freeway, he made sure to always check his tire, just in case. The end.


  1. What was the name of the car in the story?
  2. What happened to Speedy's tire?
  3. What did Speedy do when he had a problem with his tire?
  4. Why was Speedy proud at the end of the story?
  5. What lesson did Speedy learn from his adventure on the freeway?

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