Title: "Lily's Adventure on the Road

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small town. One day, she decided to go on a walk and explore her town. She started walking down the road and noticed the roadway was smooth and wide. She walked on the shoulder, which was a safe place for people to walk.

As she continued walking, she came across a sidewalk and decided to walk on it instead of the road. She saw many people walking on the sidewalk too. Soon, she reached a beautiful terrace with flowers and trees. She sat down and enjoyed the view.

After a while, Lily continued her walk and came across a dark tunnel. She was a little scared, but she wanted to see what was on the other side. She walked through the tunnel and was amazed to find an underpass that went under the road. She saw many cars driving above her.

Next, Lily saw a median in the middle of the road. It was a strip of grass with flowers and trees. She thought it was a nice way to divide the road and make it look pretty.

Finally, Lily reached the end of her walk and came across a curb. She climbed up on the curb and looked around. She was proud of herself for exploring her town and seeing all the different parts of the road.

The End.


  1. What did Lily see on her walk?
  2. What was the median in the story for?
  3. Why was the shoulder a safe place to walk?
  4. What was Lily's reaction when she saw the tunnel?
  5. What did Lily think of the underpass?

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