The Adventures of Prince and the Wise Wizard Adjugate

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there was a wise wizard named Adjugate who lived in a castle made of columns. He was known throughout the land for his exceptional knowledge of mathematics and his ability to solve problems with ease.

One day, a young prince came to Adjugate seeking help. He had been tasked with finding the combination that would open a mysterious door, but he was having trouble figuring it out.

Adjugate listened carefully and then explained to the prince that the key to solving the problem was to understand the concept of congruence and consimilarity. He showed the prince how to use the determinant to find the dimension of the basis and how to use this information to find the correct combination.

The prince was amazed by Adjugate's knowledge and thanked him for his help. He went back to the mysterious door and used the combination Adjugate had taught him. To his delight, the door opened and he discovered a hidden treasure trove filled with riches beyond his wildest dreams.

From that day forward, the prince never forgot the wisdom of Adjugate and the power of mathematics. He went on to become a great ruler, using his newfound knowledge to make wise decisions and bring happiness to his kingdom.


  1. What is the problem the prince faced?
  2. How did Adjugate help the prince solve the problem?
  3. What did the prince discover behind the mysterious door?
  4. How did the prince use mathematics to become a wise ruler?
  5. Do you think you could use mathematics to solve problems in real life? Why or why not?

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