Max's Coding Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Max who loved to code. He learned about different variables like name, number, object, and parameter. He also learned about various coding processes like scope, snippet, string, syntax, and type.
One day, Max was given a challenging task to create a program that would find the type of an object based on its parameters. Max was confident and excited to start the process. He carefully wrote down the syntax, made sure all strings were in place, and checked the scope of his program.
After several trials and error, he finally ran the program and to his surprise, it worked perfectly! The output displayed the correct type of the object based on its parameters.
Max was very proud of himself and couldn't wait to show his friends the amazing snippet of code he had created. From that day on, Max continued to improve his skills and solve more complex problems with his code. The end.


  1. Who is the protagonist in the story?
  2. What is the task Max was given?
  3. What did Max learn about coding?
  4. What was the output of Max's program?
  5. How did Max feel about his program?

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