The Code Builders and the Artifacts Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of code builders. They worked day and night to create an amazing app for their client. They wrote code with care, tested it thoroughly, and then committed the changes.

One day, they discovered a bug in their app. The builders tried every command they knew, but the bug wouldn't go away. They were about to give up when a wise old builder suggested that they check the artifacts from past builds.

The team went through the artifacts and finally found the source of the bug. They corrected the code and built the app again. This time, the app worked perfectly and their client was thrilled!

The builders learned a valuable lesson that day: always keep track of your artifacts, because they can help you fix bugs in your code. And so, they lived happily ever after, building great apps with care and pride.


  1. What did the code builders create for their client?
  2. What was the problem with the app?
  3. How did the builders find the source of the bug?
  4. What did the builders learn from this experience?
  5. Why is it important to keep track of artifacts?

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