Lily's Journey to Becoming a Famous Writer

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to read books. One day, she found a book about the life of a famous writer. She was curious and started reading it. The book was called a biography.
Lily learned that a biography is a story about someone's life written by someone else. She also learned that an autobiography is a story about a person's life written by themselves.
Lily was so inspired by what she read that she decided to write her own autobiography when she grew up. She also made a list of all the books she had read, which she called her bibliography.
Years went by and Lily grew up to be a famous writer. People were curious about her life, so they asked her to write a book about it. She smiled and said, "I already did that! I wrote my autobiography."
And that was the story of Lily and how she became a writer with her own autobiography, backlist, and bibliography.


  1. What is the difference between a biography and an autobiography?
  2. What did Lily want to be when she grew up?
  3. What is a bibliography?
  4. Did Lily achieve her goal of becoming a famous writer?
  5. Why did Lily write her own autobiography?

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