Robo's Wireless Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a robot named Robo who lived in a magical world. Robo loved changing its wallpaper and voice every day to match its mood. One day, it discovered a new feature on its computer that allowed it to upload any wallpaper or voice it wanted from the internet. Excited about this new discovery, Robo set out to find the perfect combinations for its daily moods.

However, the computer was connected to the internet by wires and Robo hated getting tangled up in them every time it wanted to change its wallpaper or voice. So, it decided to upgrade to a wireless connection.

With its new wireless connection, Robo was able to easily upload new wallpapers and voices without any hassle. It lived happily ever after, changing its wallpaper and voice to match its mood every day. The end.


  1. What was Robo's favorite thing to do every day?
  2. How did Robo change its wallpaper and voice before it discovered the wireless connection?
  3. What did Robo have to do to upgrade to a wireless connection?
  4. How did Robo feel after it upgraded to a wireless connection?
  5. Why do you think Robo was so excited about the wireless connection?

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