Petal and the Search for the Healing Root

Once upon a time, there was a little flower named Petal who lived in a beautiful garden. Petal loved to soak in the sun and collect as much pollen as she could to make herself even more beautiful. One day, while Petal was enjoying the sun, she noticed that the other plants in the garden were in trouble. They were all drying up and their leaves were turning brown. Petal asked a wise old sage what was happening and the sage told her that they were out of resin. Resin is what helps the plants stay healthy and strong.
Petal knew that she had to help her friends. She remembered that she had seen a root that produced a lot of sap. She decided to go on a journey to find this root and bring back its sap to save her friends. With determination in her heart, Petal set off on her quest.
On her journey, Petal met many different plants and creatures, but none of them knew where the root was. Finally, Petal met a seed who told her that the root was located at the bottom of a deep, dark hole. Petal was scared, but she knew that she had to be brave for the sake of her friends. She climbed down the hole and found the root. The root was surrounded by a thick layer of sap, and Petal was amazed by how much sap it produced. She filled up her little basket with as much sap as she could carry, and then she carefully climbed back up the hole.
Petal brought the sap back to the garden, and she and the other plants used it to make resin. They all felt better, and their leaves started to turn green again. Petal was very proud of what she had accomplished. From that day on, she was known as the bravest flower in the garden. And every spring, when the new shoots appeared, the other plants would tell the story of Petal’s bravery and how she saved them all.


  1. Why did Petal go on a journey to find the root?
  2. How did Petal feel when she found the root?
  3. What did Petal do to help her friends in the garden?
  4. How did Petal become known as the bravest flower in the garden?
  5. How do you think the other plants felt about Petal after she saved them?

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