Squirrel's Olive Omelette Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel who lived in a big forest. He loved eating nuts, but he was always looking for something new to try.
One day, while he was exploring the forest, he came across an olive tree. He had never seen one before, so he decided to try an olive.
To his surprise, it was delicious! He started gathering as many olives as he could and took them back to his home.
He wanted to make something special with his olives, so he decided to make an omelette. He used some oil to cook it and added the chopped olives to the mixture.
The omelette turned out to be the best thing he had ever tasted! From that day on, he made sure to always have some olives and oil on hand to make his delicious omelettes.
The end.


  1. How did the squirrel discover olives?
  2. What made the omelette special?
  3. Why did the squirrel always want to have olives and oil?
  4. What was the squirrel's favorite food before he discovered olives?

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