The Wheat Wizards: A Story of Wine and Yogurt

Once upon a time there was a farmer named Jack who grew wheat in his fields. He had a big harvest and decided to make something special with it. He made flour from the wheat and used it to bake bread. But, he still had some left over and didn't know what to do with it.

One day, Jack met a wise old man who told him that he could make wine from the leftover wheat. Jack was skeptical, but decided to try it anyway. To his surprise, it turned out to be delicious! He started selling the wheat wine and it became very popular in the village.

One day, Jack's neighbor, Maria, came to him with an idea. She suggested making yogurt from the wine. Jack tried it and found that it was even better than the wine. The two of them started selling the yogurt and it was a huge hit. People came from far and wide to taste the delicious yogurt made from Jack's wheat.

From then on, Jack and Maria were known as the "Wheat Wizards" and they lived happily ever after, making the best wine and yogurt in all the land. The end.


  1. What did Jack do with the wheat he harvested?
  2. How did Jack make wine from the leftover wheat?
  3. Who helped Jack make yogurt from the wine?
  4. What did Jack and Maria become known as in the village?
  5. Why was their yogurt so popular?

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