The Adventures of Bin, Bottle, Bowl, and Box

Once upon a time, there was a bin, a bottle, a bowl, and a box. They all lived together in a small village. One day, the bin, who was the tallest of them all, saw that the bottle was feeling sad.
The bin asked, "What's wrong, bottle?"
The bottle replied, "I feel like I'm not being used to my full potential. I just hold drinks."
The bin had an idea, "Why don't you collect coins and store them in your body? You could be a piggy bank."
The bottle was so happy and started collecting coins. The bowl, who was always hungry, suggested that they should start a food stand and sell soup.
And the box, who was very creative, suggested that they decorate the stand to make it look attractive.
Together, they started their food stand and it was a huge success! People would come from far and wide to try their delicious soup.
The bin, bottle, bowl, and box all lived happily ever after, each using their unique talents to make their village a better place.


  1. What did the bottle feel like before the bin had an idea for her?
  2. What was the box's contribution to the food stand?
  3. How did the people in the village feel about the food stand?
  4. Can you think of another way that the bin, bottle, bowl, and box could use their unique talents to help their village?

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