Lily's Organized Room Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to keep her room organized and tidy. One day, she received a special folder as a gift. It was for keeping all of her special drawings and paintings in one place.

Lily placed the folder in a glass holder on her desk. The holder was shaped like a castle and had a beautiful shine. She was so proud of her new organizational tool that she decided to show it to her best friend, Max.

Max was impressed by the folder and glass holder, but he noticed something else in Lily's room. It was a big hutch that was filled with clutter. Max suggested that they use the hutch to store all of Lily's toys and games.

Lily agreed and they began to clean out the hutch. They put all of her toys into the hutch and made sure to place the folder and glass holder in a special spot on a shelf.

From that day on, Lily's room was always neat and organized. She was so happy to have a special place for her folder, glass holder, and all of her toys. And every time she looked at her beautiful hutch, she felt proud of all the hard work she and Max had done to make her room special.


  1. What did the little girl receive as a gift?
  2. How did the little girl and her friend Max make her room organized?
  3. Where did they put the folder and glass holder?
  4. What was inside the cluttered hutch?
  5. How did the little girl feel after organizing her room?

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