The King's Lost Coffer: A Tale of Treasure and Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a king who kept all his treasures in a big coffer. One day he decided to take all his treasures on a journey with him. He packed everything in different containers - a cooler for drinks, a crate for fruits, a cube for toys and a drawer for small items. As they traveled, the king grew tired and decided to take a nap. While he slept, a thief snuck into the camp and stole the coffer! The king woke up to find it gone and was devastated. He asked his loyal servant, who was carrying a drum filled with water, for help. The servant suggested that they use the flask to trace the thief by pouring drops of water from the drum and following the trail. They followed the trail and finally caught the thief, who returned the coffer and all its contents. The king learned that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.


  1. What was the king's treasure kept in?
  2. What did the thief steal from the king while he was sleeping?
  3. How did the servant help the king retrieve the stolen treasure?
  4. What did the king learn from this experience?

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