Lila's Golden Jars and Jugs

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Lila. She loved to collect all sorts of things in jars and jugs, from seashells to pebbles, and even shiny buttons.
One day, she found a mysterious packet in her locker at school. It was locked tight, so she put it in her luggage and took it home to open it.
When she finally unlocked the packet, she was amazed to find a pan, plate, and a pocket filled with glittering treasures. She carefully emptied everything onto her kitchen table and was shocked to see that each item was made of pure gold!
Lila knew she had to keep her amazing discovery a secret, so she decided to store her new treasures in the jars and jugs she already had. Every night, she would take out her gold pan and plate to admire them and imagine all the wonderful things she could do with her newfound wealth.
And so, Lila lived happily ever after, always keeping her gold safe and close in her jars and jugs.


-What did Lila find in her locker at school?
-What did Lila use to store her golden treasures?
-What did Lila do every night with her golden pan and plate?
-Why did Lila keep her discovery a secret?

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