Sarah's Adventure Packing

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She loved to travel and explore new places. One day, she decided to go on a big adventure. She went to her room to gather all of her things and found that she had so many items she needed to pack!

Sarah looked around the room and saw a rack, a sack, a satchel, a suitcase, a tin, a tote, a trunk, and a tray. She wondered how she was ever going to fit all of her things into these items.

With a smile on her face, Sarah got to work. She placed her clothes onto the rack and rolled them up tight. She then put them into the sack and tied it closed. The satchel was perfect for all of her small essentials, like her toothbrush and comb. She put her shoes in the suitcase and closed it up tight.

The tin was perfect for her snacks, and the tote was just the right size for her favorite book. The trunk was perfect for all of her big items, like her pillow and blanket. And the tray was perfect for all of her souvenirs from her travels.

With all of her things packed, Sarah was ready to go on her big adventure. She smiled with pride as she looked at all of her neatly packed items. She knew that she would have the best time on her trip because she had everything she needed with her.

And that is the story of how Sarah learned to pack her things for her adventures.


  1. What did Sarah need to pack for her big adventure?
  2. What items did Sarah find in her room to pack her things in?
  3. Did Sarah have any trouble packing her things?
  4. What was each item used for in the story?
  5. How did Sarah feel after she finished packing for her trip?

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