The Bazaar of the Branches: A Writer's Journey

Once upon a time, there was an author named Alex who loved to write stories and poems. He kept all his work in an archive on his computer. One day, Alex heard about a bazaar where writers from all around the world gathered to show their work and exchange ideas.

Excited to participate, Alex made a clone of his archive and took it with him to the bazaar. As he browsed through the works of other authors, he noticed that many of them had made improvements to their writing by adding comments and committing changesets to their archives.

Intrigued, Alex asked a branch of writers how they did it. They showed him how to use version control software to keep track of changes and collaborate with others.

From then on, Alex made sure to always commit changes and add comments to his archive so that he could see how his work had improved over time. He also made many new friends at the bazaar who shared his love for writing.

The end.


  1. What did the author learn at the bazaar?
  2. Why was it important for the author to have an archive of his work?
  3. How did committing changes and adding comments help the author improve his writing?
  4. What might have happened to the author's stories if he didn't go to the bazaar?

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