The Coding Adventure of the Repo Friends

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to code and create new things. They had a special place where they stored all their projects called the "repo". One day, they noticed that a bug was affecting one of their projects. They worked hard to fix the bug by using a technique called "rebase". After rebasing, they pushed the changes to the remote repo so everyone could enjoy the fixed project. But suddenly, they found another bug! This time, they used a tool called "patch" to fix it quickly. The friends were happy that they could work together and fix the bugs, thanks to the repo and their coding skills. The end.


  1. What is a repo in the story?
  2. What is rebasing and what was it used for?
  3. How did the friends fix the bugs in their project?
  4. What other tools or techniques could the friends have used to fix the bugs?
  5. Why is it important to work together as a team when coding?

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