Git the Dinosaur and the Power of Merge

Once upon a time, there was a little dinosaur named Git. Git loved to collect fossil bones and keep them in his special collection. One day, while exploring a new cave, Git stumbled upon a shiny, silver rock. It was a piece of Mercury!

Git was so excited about his discovery that he immediately added it to his fossil collection and made a log in his index about it. But as he was about to leave the cave, he bumped his head on a low hanging rock and everything in his index scatterred all over the place!

Git didn't know what to do, but then he remembered something his friend had told him about a magical command called "merge". He used this command to bring all the pieces of his index back together again. And just like that, his collection was complete once more!

Git was so proud of himself for using this powerful command that he decided to show it off to all his friends. They were all amazed and asked him to teach them how to use it too. So Git became the leader of his own module and taught all his dinosaur friends how to merge their own collections and keep track of their fossils.

From then on, all the dinosaurs lived happily ever after and their collections grew bigger and more impressive every day!


  1. What did Git find in the cave?
  2. Why was Git's index scattered?
  3. What command did Git use to bring his index back together?
  4. What did Git become after he learned how to merge his fossils collection?
  5. How did the dinosaurs live after Git taught them how to merge their collections?

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