The Magic of Repository and SVN

Once upon a time, there was a repository filled with code for a magical computer program. The repository had many submodules, each with their own special powers. To make changes to the code, a developer would make a request and put their changes in a special place called the staging area. When they were ready, they would ask the repository to "squash" their changes into one change. The repository would then update its status to show the new change. Finally, the developer would give the change a special label called a tag, so that others could easily find it later. The repository used a powerful tool called svn to keep track of all the changes and tags. And that's how the magical program was made better and better every day!


  1. What is a repository in the story and what does it do?
  2. How do developers make changes to the code in the story?
  3. What is the purpose of the staging area in the story?
  4. What is the role of svn in the story?
  5. Why is the tag important in the story?

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