The Little Bird's Adventure in the Basin Bayou

Once upon a time, there was a brook that flowed through the forest. It wound its way through meadows and trees, sometimes bending and sometimes going straight. The brook eventually reached a bight and emptied into a large basin where many animals lived. One day, a little bird flew over the basin and saw a bayou filled with fish and frogs. He flew down to the bayou and found a bog filled with tall reeds and cattails. The bird loved the peacefulness of the place and decided to build his nest in the bend of an arroyo. From his perch, he could see the sun setting over the bay. And so, the little bird lived happily ever after in his new home by the bayou.


  1. What kind of environment did the little bird come across in the basin?
  2. What was the bird's reaction to his new home in the bayou?
  3. How did the brook and the bend of the arroyo help the little bird settle into his new home?
  4. What could the bight, bog, and bay symbolize in the story?

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