Title: "Benny the Brave Bear

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a little bear named Benny. Benny lived near a fork in the river, where two streams met and formed a powerful current. One day, while exploring the surrounding countryside, Benny stumbled upon a geyser that shot water high into the air. He was fascinated by the geyser and spent hours watching it.

As Benny continued his journey, he came across a massive glacier that towered over the landscape. The ice sparkled in the sun and Benny couldn't help but feel small in comparison. He decided to climb to the top, but as he started to ascend, he heard a strange noise.

Benny followed the noise and found himself in a deep gulch. To his surprise, he discovered that the noise was coming from a group of animals who were trapped at the bottom. They had fallen into the gulch and couldn't escape. Benny knew he had to help, so he quickly ran back to the fork in the river and gathered some sticks. He used the sticks to create a ladder, which he propped against the side of the gulch.

With the help of the ladder, Benny was able to rescue the animals and lead them safely to the top. The animals were grateful and thanked Benny for his bravery. From that day on, Benny was known as the brave little bear who always helped those in need.

The end.


  1. What did Benny do to rescue the animals in the gulch?
  2. Where did Benny find the sticks that he used to create the ladder?
  3. Why was Benny called "Benny the Brave Bear"?
  4. How did the animals feel after Benny rescued them?
  5. What does this story teach us about bravery and helping others?

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