The Island Adventure in the Gulf

Once upon a time, there was a little island in the middle of a vast gulf. The island had a small harbor where boats could dock and take on supplies. One day, a group of explorers sailed into the harbor and noticed a narrow inlet that led to a gully filled with boulders and rocks.

As they continued down the inlet, they spotted an iceberg floating in the distance. They were amazed by its size and beauty, so they decided to investigate. When they reached the iceberg, they discovered a small islet surrounded by a kettle-shaped cove.

The explorers landed on the islet and found it to be full of adventure and mystery. They explored its caves, climbed its cliffs, and even found a hidden treasure! They were so happy with their discovery that they decided to stay on the islet forever.

And so, the explorers lived happily ever after on their little island in the middle of the vast gulf, surrounded by the wonders of the sea.


  1. What was the little island in the middle of the vast gulf like?
  2. What did the explorers find when they sailed into the harbor?
  3. What did they discover when they reached the iceberg?
  4. Why did the explorers decide to stay on the islet forever?
  5. What kind of adventure and mystery did the explorers find on the islet?

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