The Brave Man of the Port

Once upon a time, there was a small town near a pond. There was a pool in the center of the town and everyone loved to swim in it during the hot summer months. But one day, a big storm came and the water from the pond overflowed into the town, making it difficult for people to walk around. The water filled up the streets and formed puddles everywhere. The townspeople were worried about what to do.

Just then, a man from the port came to their rescue. He brought a large boat and started to help people get to safety. He took them to the port where they could stay until the water went down. The townspeople were very grateful for the man's help and they learned an important lesson about being prepared for emergencies.

The next day, the sun came out and the water from the pond, pool, and puddles disappeared. The town returned to normal and everyone was happy again. From then on, the townspeople made sure they were always prepared for any kind of emergency. They lived happily ever after.


What was the problem in the town?
What did the man from the port do to help the townspeople?
What is the lesson that the townspeople learned from the storm?

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