Jake's Adventure: From Oasis to Ocean

Once upon a time, there lived a brave adventurer named Jake. Jake loved to explore new places and one day, he heard about a magical oasis located deep in the desert. So, he packed his bags and set off on an adventure.

As he traveled through the desert, he came across a meandering river with a moat surrounding it. He followed the river and soon reached a narrows where the river became very shallow. He crossed the neck of the river and reached the other side where he found a beautiful oasis with palm trees and a crystal-clear pond.

Jake was so happy to have found the oasis that he decided to take a rest and have a drink from the pond. Suddenly, he noticed that the water was flowing towards the ocean. He followed the flow of the water and after a few minutes, he reached the mouth of the ocean.

The ocean was vast and blue and Jake was amazed by its beauty. He decided to stay for a while and play on the playa. He built sandcastles, swam in the ocean and had lots of fun.

After a few days, Jake realized that it was time to go back to the oasis and continue his journey. He bid farewell to the ocean and headed back to the oasis, feeling grateful for all the amazing things he had seen and experienced.

And that's the end of Jake's adventure!


  1. What was Jake's goal in his adventure?
  2. Where did he find the oasis and what was it like?
  3. How did Jake reach the ocean from the oasis?
  4. What did Jake do at the playa and how did he feel?
  5. Why was Jake grateful at the end of his adventure?

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