The Shoal of Fish and the Clean Sound.

Once upon a time, there was a shoal of fish that lived in the ocean. They swam in the sound and played in the waves near the shore. One day, they noticed that the water from their source was getting murky and polluted. The fish didn't know what to do, so they decided to swim to the shore and ask for help.

When the fish reached the shore, they met a wise old sea turtle who listened to their story. The turtle told them that the source of the pollution was a factory on the other side of the bay. The fish were determined to clean up the water, so they set out to find the source of the pollution.

After swimming for many hours, the shoal of fish finally reached the factory. When they saw the waste pouring into the water, they knew they had to take action. They swam as fast as they could, using their tails to stir up the water and push the pollution away from the source.

The factory workers were amazed by what they saw. They realized that their actions were harming the sea creatures and decided to stop polluting the water. The shoal of fish returned to their home in the sound, proud of their accomplishment. From that day forward, the water was clean and clear, and the fish could play and swim safely in the sound.

The end.


  1. Why did the shoal of fish swim to the shore?
  2. How did the shoal of fish clean up the pollution?
  3. What did the factory workers learn after seeing the shoal of fish’s actions?
  4. How do you think the sea creatures felt when the water was clean and clear again?

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