The Brave Little Bird's Adventure in the Cove

Once upon a time, there lived a brave little bird in a beautiful country. One day, she decided to explore the contours of her home, flying high into the sky and swooping down low over the rolling hills. She flew over forests and meadows, rivers and lakes, until she came across a small cove.

As she flew closer, she noticed that the water was warm to the degree that she could take a bath. So she did! The little bird splashed and played in the water, feeling refreshed and happy.

After a while, she decided to fly back to her nest and share her adventure with her friends. From that day on, she made it a habit to explore the contours of her country every day, always finding new and exciting places to see. And she lived happily ever after.


-What did the little bird do on its adventure?
-Where did the bird go?
-What did the bird find in the cove?
-Why did the bird feel refreshed and happy?
-What did the bird do after its adventure?

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