Sam's Adventure in the Desert Fjord

Once upon a time, in a hot desert near the equator, there was a small delta that flowed into an estuary. To the east of the delta was a high dune with a beautiful view of the surrounding area. The elevation of the dune was so high that you could see far into the distance. One day, a young adventurer named Sam decided to explore the area. He climbed to the top of the dune and looked out towards the east. Suddenly, he saw something in the distance that looked like a fjord. Sam was very curious and decided to investigate. He descended the dune and made his way towards the east. When he finally arrived at the fjord, he was amazed by its beauty and decided to explore it. After hours of exploring, Sam realized that the fjord was the perfect place for him to settle down and live. And so, he built a small cabin and lived happily ever after, surrounded by the beauty of the delta, the desert, the dune, and the fjord.


  • What did Sam see from the top of the dune?
  • Why did Sam decide to explore the fjord?
  • How did Sam feel about the fjord when he finally arrived there?
  • Why did Sam decide to live in the fjord?
  • What do you think Sam did in his cabin in the fjord?

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