The Treasure of the Marsh Legend

Once upon a time, there was a legend about a treasure hidden in a marsh. Many adventurous people tried to find it, but it was said that only the person who had the true map with the correct longitude and latitude could find it.

One day, a young boy named Max heard about the legend and was determined to find the treasure. He went to the library and learned all about longitude and latitude, and how to read a map. Then, he set off on his adventure to the marsh.

When Max arrived at the marsh, he pulled out his map and started searching for the precise location of the treasure. He used his knowledge of longitude and latitude to navigate through the marsh, and eventually, he found a small chest buried in the ground.

Max was so excited that he lifted the chest and opened it. To his surprise, he found not just gold and silver, but also a note that read, "The true treasure is the knowledge and skills you have acquired on your journey."

Max realized that the legend was true, and that the real treasure was the knowledge and skills he had gained through his adventure. He smiled and walked away from the marsh, feeling proud of himself and grateful for the experience.


  1. What was the treasure that Max was trying to find?
  2. How did Max learn about longitude and latitude?
  3. Explain what a map is used for in the story
  4. Why do you think the note in the chest said the true treasure was knowledge and skills?
  5. What did Max feel proud of and grateful for at the end of the story?

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