The Orange Tree's Adventure in the Fruit Garden

Once upon a time, in a magical garden, there lived many different kinds of fruits. There was an apple tree, a peach tree, a pear tree, a banana tree, a pineapple bush, and a kiwi vine. They all lived together in harmony and would often play together in the warm sunshine.

One day, an orange tree was planted in the garden. The other fruits were hesitant to make friends with the new orange tree because it looked so different from them. The apple tree was round and red, the peach was fuzzy and fuzzy, the pear was plump and green, the banana was long and yellow, the pineapple was spiky and the kiwi was small and brown. But the orange tree was big and orange.

The orange tree felt very lonely, but it didn't give up hope. It continued to grow and flourish, and soon it became the most beautiful tree in the garden. The other fruits began to take notice and they were amazed at how delicious the orange's fruit was.

One day, the apple tree suggested they should all go on a fruit adventure to explore the garden and find more fruits to be friends with. The orange tree was overjoyed and thanked the apple for being so kind.

The fruits set off on their adventure and they met many new fruits along the way. They met a strawberry bush, a blueberry bush, a raspberry bush, and many more. They all became friends and played together in the garden.

From that day on, the orange tree was no longer lonely and it was loved by all the fruits in the garden. They all realized that it's not about what you look like, it's about who you are inside. And the orange tree was the sweetest and kindest of them all.

The end.


  1. Why were the other fruits hesitant to make friends with the new orange tree?
  2. What did the orange tree do to become the most beautiful tree in the garden?
  3. How did the other fruits feel about the orange tree once they realized how delicious its fruit was?
  4. Who suggested the fruit adventure and why?
  5. What did the fruits learn from their adventure and the friendship with the orange tree?

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