The Young Explorer's Journey to the Oasis

Once upon a time, there was a nation surrounded by mountains in the north. One day, a young explorer set out to find an oasis in the middle of a vast mesa.
As he traveled along the meridian, he encountered a parallel range of mountains that seemed to stretch on forever. However, he refused to give up and pressed on.
Days went by and just when he was about to lose hope, he stumbled upon a lush oasis surrounded by palm trees. Overjoyed, he filled his canteen with the fresh water and rested under the shade of a tree.
The next morning, he continued his journey and eventually reached the ocean. He returned home and shared his amazing discovery with the people of his nation, becoming a hero among them.


  1. What did the explorer set out to find?
  2. How did he feel when he found the oasis?
  3. What did the explorer do after he found the oasis?
  4. Why was he considered a hero in his nation?

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