Fin's Adventure to the Sea

Once upon a time, there was a little fish named Fin who lived in a river. Fin was curious about the world outside his river and dreamed of exploring the sea. One day, he met a wise old fish who told him about a magical scale that would grant his wish to swim in the sea.
The scale was at the bottom of the river, so Fin set out on an adventure to find it. He swam past schools of fish, through currents and over rocks until he finally found the scale. Fin rubbed the scale and wished to swim in the sea.
Suddenly, Fin felt himself being lifted out of the river and into the vast ocean. He was amazed by the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the sight of so many different creatures swimming all around him.
Fin explored the sea for many days, discovering new sights and sounds until he finally decided it was time to return home to the river. He rubbed the scale again and wished to go back, and just like that, he was back in the river, safe and happy.
From then on, Fin would always remember the wonderful journey he took to the sea, and he would always look forward to his next adventure.


  1. What was Fin's dream?
  2. How did Fin find the magical scale?
  3. What did Fin see and hear in the sea?
  4. Why did Fin return to the river?
  5. What was Fin's adventure like?

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