The Little Bird's Projection Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird who lived on a pole in the middle of a prairie. The bird loved to fly over the nearby pond and watch the fish swimming in the clear water.
One day, the bird had an idea for a project. It wanted to create a map of its whole region, from the tall mountain range to the colorful reef by the sea.
So it flew and flew, taking pictures with its projection camera and making notes about everything it saw.
After many days of flight, the bird finally reached the big reservoir at the edge of the region. It was so proud of its map and all the amazing things it had discovered! And it lived happily ever after, flying over the beautiful prairie and pond, always on the look-out for new adventures.


  1. Where did the little bird live?
  2. What was the bird's goal in its journey?
  3. What did the bird discover while flying over the region?
  4. How did the bird feel at the end of its journey?
  5. Can you describe the scenery of the prairie and pond?

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