The Adventure of Trie and His Friends in the Magical Forest

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a kind tree named Trie. Trie loved to play with his friends, the creatures of the forest. One day, Trie and his friends decided to have a picnic. They set a table under a big tree, and Trie brought a stack of fruits to share.
Trie's friend, Union, brought a string to play a game of tug-of-war. Trie suggested they play a game of stacking blocks, and they all had a lot of fun.
As they were playing, a mischievous zipper flew by and took Union's string. Trie and his friends quickly chased after the zipper, who was flying faster and faster. Just then, Trie remembered that he had a secret weapon: his trusty vector.
With his vector, Trie was able to chase down the zipper and retrieve Union's string. Trie and his friends continued their picnic, filled with laughter and joy.
The end.


  1. Who is Trie and what is his relationship with Union and others in the forest?
  2. What is the game Trie and friends played with blocks?
  3. How did Trie retrieve Union's string?
  4. What was the role of the zipper in the story?
  5. What made the forest magical?

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