The Brave Diamond Retriever: A Story of Honor and Assurance.

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by King Arbitration. He had many assets, but one of his most valuable was a beautiful diamond. One day, a thief stole the diamond, and King Arbitration was very sad. He assumed that he would never see the diamond again, but he was wrong.

A brave knight came to the kingdom and offered to retrieve the diamond for the king. King Arbitration was hesitant at first, but the knight gave him an assurance that he would get the diamond back. The knight went on a journey and finally found the thief, who was hiding in a cave. The knight fought the thief and won the diamond back.

King Arbitration was overjoyed to have his diamond back, and he was grateful to the knight. He thanked the knight and offered him a reward, but the knight declined, saying that it was his duty to protect the kingdom and its assets. King Arbitration was proud of the knight and gave him a title of honor. From that day forward, the knight was known as the Brave Diamond Retriever.

The end.


  1. What was the thief's motive for stealing the diamond?
  2. Why did the knight offer to retrieve the diamond for King Arbitration?
  3. What did the knight do to win back the diamond from the thief?
  4. Why did the knight decline the reward offered by King Arbitration?

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