Title: "Freddie the Skipping Frog

Once upon a time, there was a small frog named Freddie. Freddie loved to sit by the pond and watch all the animals go by. One day, Freddie decided to skip along the bank of the pond. However, he soon found that skipping was much harder than it looked. Freddie started to slog through the mud, but he didn't give up. He wanted to learn how to skip!

As Freddie continued toPractice, he began to speed up. Before he knew it, Freddie was skipping across the pond with ease! All the other animals were amazed at how fast Freddie was skipping. They all clapped and cheered for Freddie.

From that day on, Freddie was known as the fastest skipper in the pond. He was so proud of himself and never forgot to keep practicing to keep his speed.

The end.


  1. What was Freddie's initial challenge when he tried to skip?
  2. How did Freddie feel when he finally succeeded in skipping fast?
  3. What did the other animals do when they saw Freddie's fast skipping?
  4. Why was it important for Freddie to keep practicing?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to practice something before becoming good at it?

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