Lily's Magical Performance

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play the piano. She would practice every day and dream of performing on stage. One day, her music teacher told her about a big concert where she could orchestrate a beautiful piece and perform in front of an audience.

Excited, Lily started to work on her score, carefully choosing each note to create the perfect melody. She practiced playing the piano, repeating the tune over and over until it was just right. She even sang along, imagining the audience clapping and cheering.

On the day of the concert, Lily took to the stage, ready to perform her piece. As she struck the first note, the audience fell silent, listening intently. She strummed the keys with grace, playing each note with precision. With each repetition, the audience grew more and more enchanted by Lily's music.

When the performance was finished, the audience erupted into applause. Lily had successfully orchestrated a beautiful piece and performed it with ease. From that day on, she continued to play and sing, always striving to create beautiful music that would touch the hearts of all who heard it.


  1. What did Lily dream of doing?
  2. Who helped Lily prepare for the concert?
  3. How did the audience react to Lily's performance?
  4. What was the name of the piece that Lily performed?
  5. What did Lily do after the concert?

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