Max and the Winning Dunk

Once upon a time, there was a basketball player named Max. Max was the best player on his team, but he was having trouble with his grip during games. Every time he tried to dunk, the ball would fumble out of his hands.

One day, Max's team was playing against their biggest rival, and they were in a close fight. Max was determined to make the winning dunk, but when he went up for the shot, he fumbled again. The other team got the ball, and it looked like they were going to win.

Max was upset and didn't know what to do. Then, he remembered something his coach had told him about focusing on his grip. He took a deep breath and focused all of his attention on holding onto the ball.

The next time Max got the ball, he went up for the dunk with all his might. He swung his arm back and then forward, slamming the ball into the hoop. The crowd was cheering, and Max's team won the game! From that day on, Max never fumbled again and became known as the player with the strongest grip on the court.


  1. What was Max's problem during basketball games?
  2. How did Max overcome his problem and win the game?
  3. Why was it important for Max to focus on his grip?
  4. What did Max learn from this experience?

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