The Brave Knights and the Wicked Witch

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a wicked witch who loved to cause destruction and chaos. One day, she decided to wreak havoc on the kingdom by using her magic to make everything explode, melt, scratch, shatter, smash, splinter, split, squash, and wreck.

The kind king and his subjects were horrified by the witch's evil deeds and decided to stop her. They gathered all the bravest knights and set out on a quest to defeat the witch and bring peace back to the kingdom.

Along the way, they encountered many obstacles and challenges, but they didn't give up. They used their strength and bravery to overcome them and finally reached the witch's castle.

In a fierce battle, the knights defeated the witch and broke her magic wand, which caused everything she had made to explode, melt, scratch, shatter, smash, splinter, split, squash, and wreck to magically repair itself.

The kingdom was restored to its former glory and the people lived happily ever after. The witch was never seen or heard from again, and the kingdom remained peaceful for many years to come.

And that's the story of how the brave knights saved the kingdom from the wicked witch.


  1. Why did the witch cause destruction in the kingdom?
  2. How did the knights defeat the witch?
  3. What happened to the kingdom after the witch was defeated?
  4. What lessons can we learn from the story of the brave knights and the wicked witch?

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