The Brave Knight and the Wicked Witch's Demolition

Once upon a time, there was a wicked witch who loved to cause destruction. One day, she came across a small village filled with happy homes and friendly villagers. She decided to demolish it all. The witch used her magic to break the houses into pieces, crack the roads, and crash the buildings. She crushed everything in her path and was determined to destroy the entire village. Suddenly, a brave knight appeared to stop her. He challenged the witch to a duel, and she accepted. Just as they began to fight, the knight pulled out a magic wand and said the words "detonate." The ground shook as a powerful explosion occurred, erasing the witch from existence. The villagers were safe once again, and they lived happily ever after.


  1. Why did the witch want to demolish the village?
  2. How did the knight defeat the witch?
  3. What happened to the villagers after the witch was defeated?
  4. What would you have done if you were the knight?
  5. What can we learn from this story about bravery and kindness?

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