The Fertile Fields of the Village

Once upon a time, there was a small village where everyone loved to grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables. One day, the villagers discovered that they could abridge the time it took to grow the crops by adding special fertilizers. This helped to accrue more produce and augment their income.

The villagers were so happy with the new fertilizers that they decided to boost their crop production even more. They added more fertilizers and started to condense their fields to make room for more crops. However, one day, a drought hit the village and the crops started to decrease in size. The villagers were worried that their income would deflate.

To solve this problem, the wise old man of the village suggested that they start conserving water by digging wells and storing rainwater. The villagers followed his advice, and very soon, their crops began to flourish again. They learned that sometimes, the key to success is to think ahead and find ways to overcome challenges.

The end.


-What did the villagers do to help their crops grow faster?
-What happened to the crops during the drought?
-What did the wise old man suggest the villagers do to solve the problem?
-What did the villagers learn from this experience?

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