The Magic Viewing Box

Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl named Lily. She loved to explore the world around her and discover new things. One day, she was walking through the forest when she saw a strange object in the distance. She decided to take a closer look.

She approached the object and began to scan it with her eyes. It was a shiny metal box with buttons and levers on the front. She squinted her eyes to see better and noticed that the box had a small screen on the top. She stared at the screen for a moment, trying to figure out what it was for.

Suddenly, the screen lit up and showed a view of the forest from above. Lily was amazed! She realized that the box was a special device that allowed her to see the world from a different perspective. She spent the whole day exploring the forest and taking in all the amazing views.

She learned that sometimes, by squinting her eyes and staring closely at things, she could discover new and exciting things. From that day on, Lily always looked at the world with a curious and adventurous spirit.


  1. What did Lily find in the forest?
  2. What did the metal box do?
  3. How did Lily feel after using the box?
  4. How does Lily look at the world now?
  5. What did Lily learn from her adventure?

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