Squeaky's Smart Peek

Once upon a time, there was a curious little squirrel named Squeaky. One day, while gathering nuts, Squeaky noticed a strange noise coming from behind a bush. He cautiously took a peek to see what was making the noise. To his surprise, he saw a sly fox leering at him with a glare. Squeaky quickly checked to make sure he had all of his nuts, and then took a quick glimpse at the fox before scampering away as fast as he could. From that day on, Squeaky always made sure to give the bushes a good look before gathering his nuts. The end.


  1. Why was Squeaky gathering nuts?
  2. What did Squeaky hear while gathering nuts?
  3. Who was leering at Squeaky from behind the bush?
  4. What did Squeaky do when he noticed the fox?
  5. Why was Squeaky more careful after his encounter with the fox?

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