The Magic of Roasted Light

Once upon a time there was a small town where the sun always shone brightly. The sun was so bright that it felt like it could light up the entire world. One day, the people of the town decided to collect all of the light from the sun and store it in a jar. They wanted to keep the light safe so that they could use it when it was dark outside.

As they were collecting the light, they noticed that it was starting to melt. They quickly realized that if they didn't do something, the light would be lost forever. So, they decided to put the light in a special oven and roast it. The heat from the oven made the light turn into a beautiful golden color.

Next, they put the roasted light outside to dry in the sun. They let it sit there for a while, but soon they noticed that the light was starting to parch. The people of the town were worried that they would lose the light, so they quickly took it back inside.

They put the light in a special room that was always cool and dark. There, they kept the light safe and made sure that it never melted or parched again. From that day on, the people of the town used the light to brighten up their homes and make their world a happier place.


  1. What did the people of the town want to do with the light from the sun?
  2. Why did they roast the light?
  3. How did they make sure the light didn't melt or parch again?
  4. How did the light make the world a happier place?

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