Lucy and the Blazing Bake-Off

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy who loved to bake in the kitchen with her mother. One day, while baking a cake, she got a little too close to the oven and her dress brushed against the hot stove. Suddenly, a small flame ignited on her dress!

Lucy quickly realized her mistake and tried to put out the fire by blowing on it, but that only made the blaze grow bigger. She started to panic and couldn't think of what to do. Then she remembered her mother telling her to use a kitchen towel to smother fires.

She grabbed a nearby towel and used it to smother the fire on her dress. The fire went out and her dress was left with a blister from the heat. But she was relieved that it was just a blister and not a full-blown burn.

From that day on, Lucy learned to be more careful when she was baking in the kitchen. She made sure to keep her clothes away from the broiler and the stove so that she wouldn't char them. And whenever she wanted to make a fire, she would always kindle it carefully so that she wouldn't ignite anything by accident.

The end.


  1. What did Lucy learn from her experience with the fire on her dress?

  2. How could Lucy have prevented the fire from starting in the first place?

  3. Why was it important to use a kitchen towel to smother the fire instead of blowing on it?

  4. How do you think you would have reacted if you were in Lucy's situation?

  5. Can you think of another way to put out a small fire like the one on Lucy's dress?

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