Scorch and the Smoldering Kingdom

Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Scorch who lived in a hot, fiery kingdom. He loved to play with fire and would often sear and singe anything that he could get his claws on. But one day, while playing with his torch, Scorch set the entire kingdom ablaze. The fire smoldered and sweltered, leaving the land to toast. To make up for his mistake, Scorch worked tirelessly to put out the fire and restore the kingdom to its former glory. From then on, Scorch learned to be careful with fire and use it wisely.


  1. What did Scorch do that caused the kingdom to catch fire?
  2. How did Scorch make up for his mistake?
  3. What did Scorch learn about using fire?
  4. How do you think the kingdom felt about Scorch after he restored it?
  5. What is a lesson you learned from this story about being careful with fire?

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