The Collecting Adventure of Forest Friends

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who lived in the forest. They were always trying to aggregate as much food as possible for the winter. One day, they came up with a plan to amass all the nuts and berries in one place so they could easily collect them.

The next day, they worked together to assemble all the nuts and berries into one big pile. They captured every nut and berry they could find and corralled them into the pile.

But they soon realized that some nuts and berries were hidden and hard to find, so they decided to cluster together and search for them. They went on a journey, collecting more and more nuts and berries along the way.

Finally, they had enough food to last them through the winter. They culled through their collection, separating the bad nuts and berries from the good ones. And so, they all lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What did the animals do to prepare for the winter?
  2. How did they work together to collect food?
  3. What was the final outcome of their collecting adventure?

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